ملصقات عيد الفطر WAStickers values your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose information in relation to our products and services. By using our app, you agree to the collection and use of your information as described in this policy.

Information Collection & Usage

We collect certain information to enhance your user experience, improve our services, and provide you with personalized features. The information we collect includes:

Device Information

· We allow third-party companies to serve ads and collect certain anonymous information when you visit our app. These companies may use anonymous information such as your Google Advertising ID, your device type and version, browsing activity, location and other technical data relating to your device, in order to provide advertisements.

App Usage Information

The app doesn't collect any user personal data as, for example, name, picture or location

·  the app doesn't share any personal information with any other entity or third parties.

Video and Image Upload Information

We would like to clarify that our app  upload users' video and image information to servers. We apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding. The privacy policy stated here accurately represents our data collection and usage practices.

Information Shared with Others

We do not share any personal information collected from you, except as outlined below:

Deleting Your Data

We do not collect or store personal stickers created by users. However, we may store your device identifier for personalization purposes and to show relevant ads. You may request this data to be deleted by contacting us using the contact us info.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at or by mail at:

ملصقات عيد الفطر WAStickers

 The ملصقات عيد الفطر WAStickers  app is made by Tatbiqati developer on google play console If you have questions or want to exercise your rights regarding your personal information, please contact us using the provided contact information.

Updates to this Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and the latest version will be effective when posted. If we make material changes to the way we collect or use personal information, we will notify you through the app.

